If you manage to open the garage doors and start the car, you can try to escape through the lower tier. Find a weapon so you can slow it down at least for a while. I Hope you have had a better chance to sew today than I have. Hide under a table, in cabinets, crawl into a coffin, etc. So, I better hop off of here and sign in with them. It is very educational and amazes me at how many different ways that human beings can think about our health? See how easy your planned for day of sewing can go right out the window? Next I have signed up for another two hour seminar on cancer and treatments in 15 minutes. I am wondering how many more things that I can mess up before the day is over.

I told you I had a brain that was faulty- so hoping to solve the problem I signed up for them to take it out of my checking account after they email me that it is due and I sent the payment in. Next moved onto the mail - only to discover that I had neglected to pay the phone bill this month : ( So I took off outdoors and moved the guinea pigs back into a heated building. To make life more interesting I checked the weather and they are calling for rain this afternoon and then after midnight two inches of SNOW! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Believe me - I Have Paid Dearly in pain and tears ,due to not having them. That way I can use a normal pharmacy for my meds and will not have to do without because I have a brain that cannot keep things straight. I am going to ask if I can pick up a paper to take to DH's family doctor who agreed to take me IF the clinic will allow it. We were right across the road from where I will pick up my meds tomorrow and still have to wait and waste all of that gas to come back tomorrow. While we were there we went down to the mill and picked up critter feeds and stopped off at the little local grocery. After a normal mornings chores and we had breakfast and got a phone call to come to town. Have you ever had days like this where you feel like you could just "hide under the table"? It has been one of those days for me.